A number of City dignitaries, including Mayor Peyton, will be present as well as an expected appearance by Taylor Hardwick, the original Fountain Architect.
A number of Local News outlets have posted stories regarding the Renovation of Friendship Fountain and park which I will link below:
Times Union by Charlie Patton: http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2011-06-16/story/renovated-friendship-fountain-will-reopen-saturday
WOKV: http://www.wokv.com/news/news/local/3-million-your-tax-dollars-display-friendship-foun/nCw2m/
TV-4: http://www.news4jax.com/news/28200584/detail.html
Bold New City 5.0 http://bnc5.wordpress.com/2011/06/17/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-a-revitalized-downtown/
If any more "Love" gets posted today I will add the links...
I know a number of folks that Frequent the Metro Jacksonville Forums have stopped by the Fountain in the last few days and everyone's impression have been nothing but positive.
I took a quick trip down to the Fountain yesterday and got some more shots of the Park, which is just beautiful.

Along with a Video from the Pumphouse:
Ok that will be the last "Renovation" Post as tomorrow at this time I expect to be tweeting from Friendship Fountain for the Grand reopening, hashtag #FriendshipFountain
Till then,
Great job, Bob! Wow, Donna Pink and Jaguars Teal, those colors make my heart sing.
Are you excited? (Silly question.) I'll see you tomorrow. Look for the petite redhead who is so excited that she's crying. (I'm planning to arrive between 8:30 and 8:45.)
There's some Friendship Fountain love over at BNC5, too. See you soon!
I am absolutely thrilled about tomorrow, Get to meet a bunch of folks and soem of those responsible for the Fountain over the years.
Got the additional link posted for Bold New City 5.0 and thanks :)
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