One highlight...

Still some issues to be worked out, which is exactly why they scheduled this test, but at times the Fountain performed better than I can ever remember. Including a short full pressure test which took the center ring to over 100 feet in height.

Folks from AC General, Delta Fountain, Southeast Electrical M.V. Cummings and JBC Planning and Engineering were on hand for the test.

(Martin Bryant - Project Manager (He's the one really who is really comfortable), Scott Johnston from Delta Fountains, Mike Carney with MVCE Engineers and Nick Mousa from JBC Planning & Engineering look on from the top of the Pump House, arguably the best seats in the house)

(Larry Summerville AC General Superintendent, Dave Bowen and Timmy Carter with Southeast Electrical and Danny Strickland with AC General look pleased with what they are seeing.)
One snippet of new information that came out is that the Outer rings can now pump more water than ever in the history of the Fountain and one effect is a dome effect of the outer ring completely covering the fountain.

(John McNeely with Delta Fountains running the actual programming for the test.)
Here is a twilight shot of the Fountain, the LED lights are just starting to be visible in the water streams.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get video of the most impressive part of the test however i did get a short snippet when the test was complete of the Fountain clad in it's Jaguars Teal Colors :)
Impressive is the only word that I could think of as i watched the Fountain pumping in all it's glory. It has been years since the Fountain was able to perform at this level and it may be performing better than it ever has with the new pumps, the lighting is certainly far improved over any previous lighting and just takes your breath away at times...
All of the pictures I took last evening can be seen here:
More sod will be laid early next week, which by the way is Bermuda Tifway 419 grass, as well as additional lighting in the Park itself and hopefully there will be an additional night light test next week and if so you can bet I will be there.
Till next time,
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